DNP Selected for Inclusion in 2019 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index(GEI)
GEI evaluates gender equality based on ESG efforts

Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. (DNP) is pleased to announce its inclusion in the 2019 Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI). The latest index was announced on January 16 by Bloomberg LP, and it is the first time that DNP has been selected for inclusion.
ESG Investment, in which companies make investments that emphasize the Environment, Social and Governance aspects of business, is on the rise. In particular, GEI is an index that evaluates corporate awareness and transparency related to governance from the standpoint of gender equality. Companies actively engaged in creating working environments based on equality of the sexes, and which exhibit outstanding track records or policies for information disclosure, are selected for inclusion in the index.
Some 230 companies in 10 sectors headquartered across 36 countries and regions have been selected for inclusion in the 2019 index. These include 14 Japanese companies, with DNP the only printing industry representative.
[CSR Activities at DNP]
As a company, DNP views it as its responsibility to clarify the following three goals and to strive to achieve them. These goals are:
1. The creation of value that contributes to the development of society.
2. Integrity in conduct, or the execution of that value creation process in a fair and equitable manner.
3. High level transparency, in performing accountability towards society.
In addition, the DNP Group Code of Conduct clarifies the conduct to be pursued by all members of the DNP Group. The code includes a provision requiring respect for human dignity and diversity, and the Company strives to promote awareness so that absolutely no discriminatory behavior is made in any of the regions that DNP and its activities touch upon.
The Company is also focusing on efforts designed to create a corporate culture where each employee can fully exhibit their diversity and individuality, and work with enthusiasm.
For further information about the DNP Code of Conduct, please go to
The original Bloomberg release can be viewed at
DNP as a Component of Major ESG Indicators
DNP has been included as a component of three ESG indexes established by the Japanese Government Pension Investment Fund, namely, FTSE Blossom Japan Index, the MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index, and the MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index.
In addition, the Company has also been included in numerous Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) indexes. SRI is an investment technique incorporating Corporate Social Responsibility efforts.
2018 saw DNP selected not only as a component of the FTSE4Good Global Index for the 18th consecutive year, but also in the MSCI ESG Leaders Index, the MSCI SRI Indexes – both US-based – along with the ETHIBEL Investment Register of Belgium, and the Japan-based Morningstar Socially Responsible Investment Index. And as a company that works to propose new values leading to the resolution of social challenges, and develop business leading to sustainable development, DNP continues to be highly regarded both in Japan and overseas.
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