Message from the President

Yoshinari Kitajima President and Chairman of the Sustainability CommitteeYoshinari Kitajima President and Chairman of the Sustainability Committee

Transforming risks into opportunities to create “a better future”

We believe that a healthy society and economy as well as comfortable and well-being lives are possible on a sustainable earth. In recent years in particular, the environment, society and economy have undergone dramatic changes and the risks (variable factors) that affect management are becoming increasingly diverse and extending across a wide range.
Under these circumstances, DNP will seize the initiative in creating a “better future” by solving diverse social issues and creating value that exceeds people’s expectations. We believe that by managing medium-to-long-term risks and reflecting these in our business strategies, we could reduce the negative impacts of all potential risks and create new value with positive impacts throughout our entire supply chain. By doing so, we will improve our corporate sustainability as well as environmental, social and economic sustainability.

Initiatives Related to the Environment (E)

Achieving a balance between economic growth and global environment considerations

The DNP Group continuously strives for coexistence between our business activities and the global environment. In recent years, as climate change, marine pollution, and loss of biodiversity become increasingly serious, DNP is promoting activities with a keen awareness of the environment throughout the entire supply chain of products and services, from raw material procurement to manufacturing, disposal and recycling.
DNP is positioning responses to climate change as one of its key issues in particular. Toward the attainment of carbon neutrality in 2050, we are transforming our business portfolio to both decrease environmental impact and increase added value to, improving our energy conservation activities and actively introducing renewable energy. Additionally, we are stepping up the expansion of our development and production capacity for products and services such as clean energy and energy management related products which are essential for realizing a next-generation mobility society and a decarbonized society. We are also focusing on developing and utilizing low-carbon materials and reducing CO2 emissions for each product unit.
DNP is promoting the efficient use of resources in response to the transition to a circular economy. Specifically, we will promote material recycling and chemical recycling centered on plastics, develop products with an awareness of recyclability and actively utilize biomass materials and recycled materials as substitutes for conventional products. At the same time, we will build recycling schemes in collaboration with our partners.

Initiatives Related to Society (S)

Supporting active participation of employees , who are the driving force in value creation

The key base and source of strength for the DNP Group in creating a better future is the presence of every employee. On the basis of our Human Capital Policy, which prescribes our universal and fundamental approach to human resources , we focus on supporting active participation of our employees, who are the driving force in value creation as well as irreplaceable assets. For this reason, we are expanding our investments in human resources.
To drive unprecedented transformation beyond our traditional path, it is important for each employee to be independent, acquire the necessary knowledge and skills on their own initiative, fulfill their roles to the fullest and further develop their own strengths. DNP supports “employees’ independent career autonomy toward value creation” and is promoting the nurturing of human capital who can be active both within and outside DNP. We will significantly increase “human creativity (added value productivity)” globally to clearly connect this investment in human resources to the enhancement of corporate value.

Respect the differences of each person, accept one another and utilize diversity

To significantly enhance human creativity, transitioning from a homogenous and uniform organization to one rich in diversity is essential. Additionally, the DNP Group actively promotes Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) to develop and provide optimal value to the diverse people living in our diverse society. We seek to maximize the capacity of our organization by respecting every difference among all employees, accepting one another and multiplying the strengths derived from such diversity.
Moreover, respect for human rights has become more important than ever before as our business activities expand globally. Based on this awareness, we are strengthening our management system that is premised on respecting human rights such as by formulating the Human Rights Policy and promoting human rights due diligence.

Initiatives Related to Governance (G)

Continuing to be a resilient organization that is trusted by society

For the DNP Group to continue providing value, we believe that we must improve our corporate value and continue to be a company that is always trusted by all stakeholders. With this in mind, we are working to further strengthen and enhance corporate governance.
As part of these efforts, three organizations will further strengthen their collaboration. These organizations consist of the Sustainability Committee, which manages medium- to-long-term risks and identifies business opportunities and reflects these in management strategies; the BCM Promotion Committee, which works to ensure the safety of employees and maintain continuity of production activities even in the event of emergencies such as natural disasters, and the Corporate Ethics Committee, which seeks to reduce risks by increasing employee awareness with regard to compliance.DNP will continue to respond to company-wide risks in a timely and appropriate manner while also creating a better future for ourselves.

Chairman of the Sustainability Committee
Yoshinari Kitajima